Thursday, July 22, 2010



Epimedium is a genus of twenty-one related plant species. The Chinese refer to epimedium as "yin yang huo", which has been loosely translated by some as "licentious goat plant" and explains why Western supplement companies have adopted the titillating name by which it is known in the U.S: (horny goat weed). Epimedium is grown as an ornamental herb in Asia and the Mediterranean region, and various species are used for medicinal purposes, including Epimedium sagittatum, Epimedium brevicornum, Epimedium wushanense, Epimedium koreanum, and Epimedium pubescens.

Because of the traditional use of epimedium for treating fatigue and boosting sex drive, the majority of the claims for Western dietary supplements center around sex drive: · Boosts libido (sex drive) · Increases energy levels · Enhances recovery from exercise (via cortisol-control) · Makes you more sexy (not really, but this is what the ads would suggest)

The use of epimedium as a medicinal herb dates back to at least 400 A.D., where it has been used as a tonic for the reproductive system (boosting libido and treating impotence) and as a rejuvenating tonic (to relieve fatigue). Epimedium is thought to work via modulation of cortisol levels (the primary stress hormone). Under conditions of high stress, the increased cortisol levels are known to cause fatigue and depress sex drive - so bringing cortisol levels back into normal ranges is also thought to help restore normal metabolism, energy levels and libido.


  • Epimedium
  • Goat Wort
  • Horny Goatweed
  • Yin Yang Huo
Epimedium is a low-growing herb in the same family as coptis. Often used in Chinese medicine as a pungent tea, its yellow green leaves are traditionally steeped in wine before being fashioned into pills. Its Chinese name yin yang huo is literally translated as "herb for the licentious old goat."


Epimedium is a versatile Chinese herb traditionally used to treat impotence, infertility, forgetfulness, back pain, and arthritis. Because of epimedium's ability to dilate capillaries and other blood vessels, it is used to facilitate blood circulation to the brain as well as to the sexual organs, while also lowering blood pressure. Epimedium also stimulates the production of male sex hormones and tonifies the liver.
Benefits of epimedium for specific health conditions include the following:
  • Diarrhea and urinary incontinence. Chinese physicians report that epimedium stimulates muscle growth in the sphincter muscles, which helps bring incontinence under control.
  • Gonorrhea. Epimedium kills the bacteria that cause gonorrhea and stimulates the activity of germ-eating immune cells called macrophages.
  • High Blood Pressure. Epimedium increases blood flow to the heart by causing the coronary blood vessels to dilate. This action lowers blood pressure and is long-lasting, although the body can develop a tolerance to the herb after long-term use.
  • HIV/AIDS, impotence, and infertility. Unlike the many herbs that have estrogen like effects, epimedium is an unusual herb in that it has testosterone like effects. It stimulates sexual activity in both men and women, increases sperm production, stimulates the sensory nerves, and increases sexual desire. This herb increases blood flow to the penis and also prevents a protein called fibrin from being deposited on capillary walls, thus preventing loss of sexual function in men with atherosclerosis. Epimedium's testosterone like actions also allow it to fight the muscle wasting experienced by many people with AIDS. In laboratory tests, chemical components of the herb even act against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) itself.
It seems that the all NATURAL intimacy enhancement herbs are the way to go...Since this herb has been used for thousands of years, why would anyone want to keep putting harmful & sometimes FATAL libido enhancement DRUGS in their bodies? I'm just here to educate... INFORMATION + INSPIRATION = DOMINATION... Same MAJIC CHANNEL... HOLLA @ ME!!!

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